Murder On The Orient Express Hints

Embark on a captivating journey with Murder on the Orient Express hints, where a perplexing murder unfolds amidst the luxurious confines of the iconic train. Join the legendary detective Hercule Poirot as he unravels a web of secrets, suspects, and motives, leading to a thrilling resolution.

As the train races through the snowy landscapes, tensions rise, and suspicions abound. Each passenger becomes a potential suspect, with their own hidden agendas and questionable alibis. Dive into the intricate details of the crime, examining the clues and evidence that will ultimately lead to the unmasking of the killer.

Plot Summary

Murder on the Orient Expressis a classic mystery novel by Agatha Christie that follows the investigation into the murder of a wealthy American businessman on the Orient Express.

The novel begins with the discovery of the body of Samuel Ratchett, a wealthy American businessman, on the Orient Express. The train is stranded in the snow, and the passengers are unable to leave. Detective Hercule Poirot is called in to investigate the murder, and he quickly realizes that all of the passengers on the train are suspects.


Poirot interviews each of the passengers and learns that many of them had motives for wanting Ratchett dead. Ratchett was a cruel and ruthless man who had made many enemies in his life. Poirot also discovers that many of the passengers are hiding secrets, and he begins to suspect that the murder was not as simple as it seems.


The murder on the Orient Express involves a diverse cast of characters, each with their own relationships to the victim and potential motives for the crime.

The key characters involved in the murder are:


Name Occupation Relationship to victim Suspicious behavior
Ratchett Businessman Victim – A wealthy and mysterious American businessman

Had a reputation for being ruthless and cruel

Hercule Poirot Detective Investigator – A renowned Belgian detective

Known for his sharp mind and meticulous attention to detail

Bouc Director of the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits Acquaintance of the victim – Knew Ratchett from a previous business deal

Was traveling on the same train as the victim

MacQueen Ratchett’s secretary Employee of the victim – Was traveling with Ratchett on the train

Seemed nervous and anxious after the murder

Ratchett’s valet Servant of the victim Employee of the victim – Was traveling with Ratchett on the train

Was found to have a gun in his possession after the murder


The novel “Murder on the Orient Express” takes place on the Orient Express, a luxurious train traveling from Istanbul to London. The train is described as being one of the most opulent and well-equipped trains in the world, with comfortable compartments, a dining car, and a lounge car.

The Orient Express

The Orient Express was a real train that ran from Paris to Istanbul from 1883 to 1977. The train was known for its luxury and comfort, and it was often used by wealthy travelers and celebrities. The train consisted of several different types of cars, including sleeping cars, dining cars, and lounge cars.

The sleeping cars were divided into compartments, each of which had two beds. The dining cars were elegantly appointed, and they served a variety of international cuisine. The lounge cars were used for socializing and relaxation, and they often had a piano or other musical instrument.

The Passengers

The passengers on the Orient Express are a diverse group of people from all walks of life. They include a wealthy American businessman, a Russian princess, a British colonel, a French countess, an Italian car salesman, a Swedish governess, and a Belgian detective.

Each of the passengers has their own secrets and motivations, and they all become suspects in the murder of one of their fellow passengers.

Clues and Evidence

Hercule Poirot relies on his keen observation and analytical skills to unravel the intricate web of clues and evidence surrounding the murder on the Orient Express. These clues play a crucial role in identifying the killer and understanding their motive.

Physical Evidence

  • Ratchett’s Passport: The passport, found on the victim, reveals that he was not Ratchett but Cassetti, the mastermind behind the kidnapping and murder of Daisy Armstrong.
  • Daisy Armstrong’s Photograph: Discovered in Ratchett’s cabin, the photograph provides a connection between the victim and the Armstrong family.
  • Broken Watch: Poirot’s examination of Ratchett’s watch indicates that it stopped at 1:15 AM, the time of the murder.
  • Torn Fabric: A piece of torn fabric found near the crime scene matches a garment worn by one of the passengers.

Testimony and Observations

  • Inconsistent Alibi: Several passengers provide alibis that conflict with one another, raising suspicions about their involvement.
  • Hidden Objects: Poirot discovers hidden objects in the passengers’ luggage, including a weapon and a stolen jewel, providing further clues.
  • Motive and Relationships: Poirot investigates the relationships between the passengers and Ratchett, uncovering hidden motives and past grievances.


The murder of Samuel Ratchett on the Orient Express could have been motivated by various factors. The suspects on the train had their own reasons for wanting Ratchett dead, and it is crucial to examine these motives to understand the complexities of the crime.

The following table summarizes the motives of the suspects, along with evidence supporting each motive:

Table of Motives, Murder on the orient express hints

Suspect Motive Evidence
Princess Dragomiroff Revenge for the death of her daughter – Ratchett was responsible for the death of Sonia Armstrong, Princess Dragomiroff’s daughter.

Princess Dragomiroff had a strong hatred for Ratchett and wanted him to suffer.

Count and Countess Andrenyi Revenge for the kidnapping of their daughter – Ratchett was involved in the kidnapping of Daisy Armstrong, the daughter of Count and Countess Andrenyi.

The Andrenyis believed that Ratchett was responsible for Daisy’s death and wanted revenge.

Mr. Bouc Professional duty – Mr. Bouc was the director of the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits and was responsible for the safety of the passengers on the train.

He believed that Ratchett was a dangerous man and needed to be stopped.

Mrs. Hubbard Revenge for the death of her husband – Ratchett was responsible for the death of Mr. Hubbard, Mrs. Hubbard’s husband.Mrs. Hubbard had a strong hatred for Ratchett and wanted him to pay for his crime.
Greta Ohlsson Revenge for the death of her sister – Ratchett was responsible for the death of Greta Ohlsson’s sister, Ingrid.

Greta Ohlsson wanted revenge for her sister’s death and believed that Ratchett deserved to die.

Antonio Foscarelli Revenge for the death of his father – Ratchett was responsible for the death of Antonio Foscarelli’s father.

Foscarelli wanted revenge for his father’s death and believed that Ratchett deserved to die.

Ratchett’s Secretary Protecting Ratchett – Ratchett’s secretary was loyal to her employer and wanted to protect him from harm.

She may have killed Ratchett to prevent him from being killed by someone else.

Hercule Poirot’s Investigation

Hercule Poirot, the renowned detective, embarked on a thorough investigation to uncover the truth behind the murder on the Orient Express. His meticulous methods and sharp deductions led him to unravel the intricate web of secrets and motives that concealed the killer’s identity.

Poirot’s investigation process involved:

  • Interviewing all passengers and staff on the train
  • Examining the crime scene and gathering physical evidence
  • Analyzing the alibis and backgrounds of the suspects
  • Identifying inconsistencies and discrepancies in witness statements

Key Deductions and Supporting Evidence

Through his meticulous investigation, Poirot made several key deductions that ultimately led to the unmasking of the killer:

  • The murder weapon was a dagger– Evidence: The puncture wounds on Ratchett’s body matched the dimensions of a specific type of dagger.
  • Ratchett’s true identity was Samuel Edward Ratchett– Evidence: Poirot discovered a passport bearing this name, as well as a birthmark on Ratchett’s body that matched the description of a man named Cassetti.
  • The passengers on the train were all connected to the Cassetti family– Evidence: Poirot established that each passenger had a personal connection to the Cassetti family, either through business dealings or a shared past.
  • The murder was a premeditated act of revenge– Evidence: The elaborate planning of the murder, including the use of multiple weapons and the involvement of multiple individuals, suggested a carefully orchestrated plot.


Poirot’s meticulous investigation and keen observation lead him to unravel the truth behind the murder. Through careful analysis of the evidence and witness testimonies, he pieces together the events that transpired.

The key pieces of evidence that guide Poirot’s deductions include:

  • The multiple stab wounds, indicating the involvement of more than one assailant.
  • The conflicting accounts of the passengers, revealing inconsistencies and hidden motives.
  • The discovery of a hidden compartment in Ratchett’s luggage, containing a blood-stained handkerchief.
  • The realization that the train’s occupants were all connected to the victim, either directly or indirectly.

FAQ Resource: Murder On The Orient Express Hints

Who is the main protagonist in Murder on the Orient Express?

Hercule Poirot

What type of mystery is Murder on the Orient Express?

A murder mystery set on a train

How many suspects are there in Murder on the Orient Express?


Who is the murderer in Murder on the Orient Express?
